We got Baby Grace a bumbo. I was very excited...as you can see, it took Grace a little longer to warm up to her new seat.
She seems to really like sitting in it now. She's at the point where she wants to be able to see all that's going on around her. Her new little seat helps do just that.
This last one is my favorite. For whatever reason, it totally reminds me of my late Grandpa, Puck. He used to tape movies for us all the time when we were kids. We'd get boxes of VHS' in the mail, chock full of all our favorites. I mean, we're talking hundreds and hundreds of movies. He'd program the VCR and sometimes just stay up late to manually edit out the commercials for us. What love! How I miss him!
My Grandparents used to do that for us too! They had a whole movie room in their house full of recorded movies off the tv with the commercials manually edited out! So much work, but we love it as kids. These pictures are adorable(:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5,6
My Grandparents used to do that for us too! They had a whole movie room in their house full of recorded movies off the tv with the commercials manually edited out! So much work, but we love it as kids. These pictures are adorable(:
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