My Baby turns ONE today!
Wow. So one year ago, Beej and I arrived at the hospital. I was in horrible back labor, but, hours later--and really, it seemed to go by pretty quickly--I got to see and hold Grace for the first time. I felt elated and super energized. I think my body was coasting on all the adrenaline because I should have been exhausted, but I felt great.

First night of parenting was rough. By the evening, I was really tired (next time, no matter how great I feel, I know I need to take a nap!). We changed seven poopy diapers that first night and didn't sleep very much. And so began the first year of being a mom, the first year of little sleep and lots of love, the first year of being in awe that I have a daughter who is such an amazing blessing in my life. Happy Birthday Baby Grace!
OMGosh, she looks like Beej...but she is the female version...i can hardly wait to hold her and see if she remembers her grammie...i didn't realize i was so far behind in your blogs...looking forward to seeing you all and your home...i'm excited!
Yes! The bow makes the baby mullet a keeper!!! :)
Hope you have a fantastic birthday little Grace <3
Happy Birthday Grace! We can't wait to see you in person! The mohawk is what really makes the mullet look cuter.
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