We've been kicking around tons of names for Grace to call my mom. Grace may come up with something entirely on her own, but we need something that works for now.
So far, it's been Gram, but really my mom has so much personality, she needs a name that fits. She's called Mammy by some of my cousins from New York. I know it's not the most politically correct title, but it's what stuck. So, we're considering GrammyMammy. Grace is already six months old...I guess we need to decide on a name sometime soon.
Be praying for my Mom. She's got a viral throat infection going right now. She's gotten sick more often this year than I can ever remember. I'm sure it has everything to do with the amount of stress she's gone through, and the havoc it's wrecked on her immune system. Nobody likes to be sick, especially my mom because it keeps her from seeing Grace. Pray that God heals her quickly, and that she stops catching every little bug thats going around.
I will pray for GrammyMammy today. Or, the Gramster. Or, Gramma-bo-bamma. She's Gramtastic, you do need something with punch.
You are a good daughter Kate. And it makes my heart glad that my dear sister has such wonderful children.
2 much sickness for the grams
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