Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Picture Post

Let me catch you up on what's been keeping me from Resplendent...

Family came into town on May 30th: My brother Luke, and my sweet sister-in-law, Laura. They got to spend the week with all of us up here. Always a good time. My brother always sparks passionate debates and shares a wealth of interesting facts when he's around. He has a mind like a steel trap!

He's also pretty silly at times.

We've settled on a G'ma name for my mom: BABA
My Great Grandma was also called Baba, so the name has a lot of special meaning for us. My mom loves it and hopefully Grace will catch on.

Lot's of good food with the fam.

Hitting up another local favorite with Beej's folks who came into town on Thursday.

Getting in some good times with my cute nieces, who I can never get enough of.

Beej's cousin got married Saturday. First wedding Grace has gotten to attend. She was very quiet through the ceremony! Good job Baby! And yes, it was a surprisingly muggy, muggy day which is why our foreheads are so unbelievably shiny. Gross!

Grace got to pull out all her tricks and entertain Papi and Grammie for a bit. Of course, they loved every second of it.

We've been on the hunt for a new game that just the two of us can play occasionally when we want to keep date nights on the cheaper side. I think we found it!

Window Shopping with Auntie O. We've got plans for a room makeover, so we've been out and about getting ideas on textures, fabrics, name it.

There's so much more. But I'll stop there. Basically, the last week was busy, busy, busy!


Rachel said...

very very cute. I love that pic of Grace and your mom.

Mrs. S's 1-on-1 Tutoring said...

such a relaxing time we had up north...thx for more memories of "tuna"

Jenn Stockman said...

You were on the GO! ;0) Love reading your blogs!

The Fredricksons: Brian, Britney, Salty, and Benji said...

BTW: that's a cute pic of you and the hubs at the Pizza Co.

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