Beej was gifted a brand new propane barbecue just before we left for vacation.
Last night was his first time grilling on it--he loves it!
Last night was his first time grilling on it--he loves it!
We are surrounded by such generous people!!

Several weeks ago I told Beej I was "swearing off fiction for the summer". This was because I have been reading strictly fiction for months and months and felt I needed to read something more challenging, educational, or spiritually encouraging. That feeling didn't last more than a few days, and I picked up Persuasion by Jane Austin to re-read while on vacation.

I just finished another novel by Audrey Niffenegger called Her Fearful Symmetry. It morbid. Disturbing. Morbidly romantic. Romantically morbid. I'm not even sure how to describe it. I don't want to give too much away, let me just say it involves a love triangle, grave digging, and a sad ending. But it was interesting--she's definitely one creative author. I was trying to talk to Beej about it, but he hasn't read it and probably won't, so I need one of you to read it so we can talk about it! Beej surprised me with it while we were on vacation. He had no idea what it was about. He just knew that I loved, loved, loved her first book The Time Traveler's Wife. I've read that one a couple of times and highly recommend it. I will warn you that there is...ahem...sexual content. I just always feel a bit uneasy recommending novels to others because I'm not sure what they are okay with. So I love to recommend books but with a "read at your own risk" disclaimer.
In other news, I came back to this. Coming home after vacation is always a bit of a letdown. It's so much easier when you don't have a house to keep clean.

My garden is a monstrosity.
It needs some serious tlc which I have yet to give it.

Grace surpassed even our highest hopes while on vacation. She was amazing. Had about two fussy afternoons the entire time we were there. She loved all the extra attention--really started talking so much more the second week, pulling herself up on things, laughing and giggling so much more. I wonder if returning from vacation is a bit of a let down to her too? I got her a new bath toy to spark things up. She was unimpressed.

We hit up the Farmer's Market in Fresno. First of all, it was under this amazingly gorgeous arbor. And it puts our tiny market to shame. Still, I love being able to buy fresh fruit and veggies outside all summer long. I LOVE how homegrown tomatoes taste! Can't wait for mine to ripen.

Wednesday, my lovely friend and sister-in-law, Jenn, and I took Grace and my nieces to the Sequoia Zoo. If you go on Wednesday, it's half price day and all kids under the age of two are free any day you go! There were tons of other moms and kiddos there. I have never seen so many strollers in one place! It was great. The girls are all too little to understand just how dinky our zoo is here. Still, I'm just glad we have one. And it really is a pretty spot to visit and picnic at.

And that's it for this week. I hope your's treated you well! Enjoy the weekend!
Okay, okay, I've looked at your pictures long enough. You're right, I need to plan my own trip to Yosemite.
Tell BJ I'm a little jealous of his bbq and I might have to steal it.
my grandgirls r soo cute & want to hug & kiss them right NOW!
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