Grace is a champ though, other than trying to run from us at diaper change time, she's her usual happy little self. I, on the other hand, am tired. It's tough to go back to the stage when you're consistently not getting enough sleep. My only solution has been to crack down and send myself to bed a little earlier--which has helped. And don't get me wrong--Grace is so worth every single diaper change, late night wake-up, whatever. She is such a joy, and even though I can't wait for her to be over this whole bizarre stomach thing, she is a huge blessing and would change a bazillion diapers if I had to!
Which brings me to this...
How do you deal with lack of sleep when your little ones are sick or you're dealing with just the normal newborn feeding schedule?
Obviously, I haven't been very motivated to use what little free time I've had lately to blog! I've still been trying to unpack, set up our new place--can't believe we've been here for a month already!--and get Grace's room decorated before her 1st birthday. There's been a lot to do!
The only way I can make it is lots of prayer and NAPS!!!
With a newborn here now, lots of prayer (Help me, God!), naps, venting to the hubs, and asking for prayer from others...it's hard, though moms of 2 or more are telling me it gets better....
@ Linds, I've heard from several people that number 2 is a challenge, but number 3 is easy peasy. In case you are thinking that far ahead...
Kate- when they say to nap when they nap, they mean it! As someone who is caring for 2 kids full-time, I relish nap times immensely! I rarely nap when they do, but I always grab a book and curl up on a comfy couch or chair for some mid-day downtime. Downtime, whether asleep or not, is critical to a mommy's (or nanny's) well-being. Catch it when you can :)
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