She's no longer a baby anymore.
She's running around and climbing all over everything. She's capable of so many new things. It seems like all of a sudden she's just grown so much.
She's running around and climbing all over everything. She's capable of so many new things. It seems like all of a sudden she's just grown so much.

She loves to walk down to see the fishies in the hatchery near our house. She asks almost everyday, signing "fish please" with a desperate look on her face. We walk down there as often as we can.

She's gotten over her aversion to grass and wants to be outside every second that she can. She's content to just play in the small front yard and climb up and down, up and down the steps.
She's also begun to let us know when she's not happy, occasionally rolling around on the ground to really let us know how she feels. I'm just waiting for it to happen in public. Her hearing has become more selective as well. A few times, I've been surprised that she can't hear or understand me when I ask her to do something she's done a hundred times. Hmm...need to get that checked out!
She is such a delight to us, and the older she gets, the more in love with her I grow. It is an amazing thing to be her mother, a gift I am so incredibly thankful for. Even on the days that are a little long or tough, there is still just so much joy because she's here with us.
She is such a cutie, you are blessed indeed!
You mentioned she has overcome her aversion to grass, but in the pictures, she appears to be trying her darndest to not accidentally fall on it. It's really cute! BTW, little piggie tails are my fav look on wee ones :)
What a sweet, big girl! LOVE her pigtails :)
She's a keeper! She got over the grass that afternoon. Not being able to get the beach ball without touching it was the clincher. Although sometimes she still wants to hold our hands while she first walks around on it. :)
She is so beautiful. You are right she is certainly growing up fast. How wonderful you have kept a blog about her it will be a wonderful gift she will cherish someday.
She's too cute Kate!! :) Can't believe she's already 18 months. Hannah's two and still loves the "up and down up and down" the stairs! It never gets old! :)
Grace is such a darling!! I know the new baby will be a delight to her! Would love some of those pictures on my E mail, so I could print some! Hope you are all feeling well, it has been such a busy time aroud here! Lots of company. Hope to get up there Thursday or Friday, if all works out. Love and blessings
Gogo grandma
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