I ran the INSPIRE Race again this year with my good friend, Rach.
This is our before picture. If you've ever raced, then you know that someone official always takes a photo as you're nearing the finish line. Mine are always awful! Tired and ready to be done and not camera worthy--that's for sure. Definitely can wait to see how the one from this race turned out!
I haven't had a lot of time to run since we returned from San Diego, so I went the easy route and ran the two mile. Last year, the race really made me think of my dad. Same thing during the Clam Beach Run earlier this year. But with this race, it just felt great to get out and stretch my legs, clear my head, and do something I love.
Here's where I'm at with my racing goal:
January - Clam Beach Run - 3 miles
February - out of town during race weekend
March - missed the Foggy Bottoms Run b/c we were in San Diego helping with family
April - INSPIRE Race - 2 miles
I've missed a couple races due to things beyond my control. I'm o.k. with that. The whole point of my goal this year is to just keep myself running. I usually need an upcoming challenge to stay motivated. The next race I plan on participating in is on MAY 15th, The Eureka Waterfront Run. Another 2 mile.
How 'bout you? Any challenges/goals you've set for yourself this year? How's it going so far?
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