Monday, February 20, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

Beej came home early with a bouquet of tulips for me, and he sweetly surprised Grace with the world’s biggest heart balloon and a heart shaped sucker bouquet. She was very happy!

He’s always a thoughtful gift giver, and this year he told me he wanted to take me “out shopping”. I was surprised, to say the least. 

“Man, my feet are killing me!”

For years, that is what I heard every time we hit the mall or went out shopping together. Literally, about two minutes into looking around. Beej isn’t a huge shopper, and in all honesty, neither am I anymore. Except, of course when we are down south where there’s a lot more to offer in the way of clothes or shoe shopping. Then, we both just want to make the most of having more variety.

We left Adon and Grace with my mom and headed out. I did find a beautiful scarf at a local boutique that Beej happily bought for me. Then we hit Eureka, where he said, “Well, I guess there’s only Target or Khol’s. Which one first?” We just had to laugh and then bopped around the sad and lonely, half vacant local mall. 

Then on to Target, which is being remodeled, so everything is a crazy mess. It’ll all be cleaned up and done by the end of March though, so who knows, maybe it’ll get some cool, new stuff by then. I did find a cute black dress that’ll I’ll be able to wear when I’m done nursing. Until then….

We hit Rita’s for dinner, which was delicious as always. Shopping, or lack of it, aside, it was just really fun to spend some time out and about together.

How was your Valentine’s Day this year? Any favorite memories from this day?


Gigi said...

Way to go BJ! Joe surprised me with a ton of Trader Joe's treats (he knows me) Valentine's Day morning. I'm surprised he was able to surprise me. I made pink heart biscuits for the boys. That night we went out to Indian food for dinner.

Gigi said...

Oh, and that is a great picture. You look beautiful, Kate!

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