Friday, May 4, 2012

Latest & Greatest

Grace is just changing so much lately. She's talking, talking, talking up a storm! "No, I not" when I tell her to stop eating the cookie dough she's helping me make and then I look over to see her eat some more. "Grace." "No, I not Mom!" We are working on what it means to be honest and tell the truth with lots of "I love you always, forever, no matter what". She loves watching episodes of "Peppa Pig" right now. And she always says, "I watch George" when she wants to watch the television. I guess only letting her watch Curious George for so long really made an impression on her. And the sweetest thing this last week: I love to tell her, "Come here Grace. Get close. I have something important to tell you." Then I whisper, "I love you." She called me over a few days ago and did the same thing to me for the first time. I just melted!

Adon is seven months old today! He's a drool machine this last week, and I can feel little bumps on is bottom gum. Teeth are on the way. He still absolutely loves getting a bath (always has), but now he's trying to roll over every time I put him in the tub. It's getting to be more of a workout for this mama to keep him still enough to soap up and rinse off. And in the last two weeks, he's begun to realize who is family and folks he's used to and those he's not. A sweet old lady in Target bent over the cart to admire him and he burst into tears, quivering lip and all--again!

Other memorable moments: 

We ordered a Vitamix through Costco. It should be here in a week, and I'm looking forward to all the things we'll be able to do with it. Do you have one? What do you use it for most often?

I spilled coffee all over inside the car--yes, stinky and gross!

I am the most un-creative woman when it comes to doing things with my hair. My sister got that gene in our family--she's great at doing interesting and beautiful things with her hair and it always looks fabulous! I found several great tutorials HERE and HERE and thought I'd pass them on in case you too are anything like me. I need all the help I can get!

I just came across lay baby lay a few weeks ago. It's chock full of nursery ideas and resources. Make sure you have some time because you'll get sucked in and want to explore the whole site!

One of my dreams is to open an etsy shop and sell creative stuff I make. I am inundated with ideas, but need to, uh, actually start making stuff! Still working on it. In the meantime, did you know they offer a ton of free classes on how to better your shop. You can get insight info. before you even get started!

After a busy week, we are looking forward to some down time as a family this weekend. I hope you enjoy your's! 


The Fredricksons: Brian, Britney, Salty, and Benji said...

Vitamix. My bosses have one. I love it! I use it to make baby food purees, smoothies, soup, everything! You're gonna love it. For real.

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