This was me and Grace after I ran in May's race--the two mile in Loleta. I didn't want to do it. I honestly thought about how if I hadn't already committed I would just rather sleep or make breakfast at home. But I went, and as usual when I feel that way, was glad I did--especially since June raced by and no race!

It was pretty cold and there was just a small group running the two mile. The course went down a little paved hill onto a road with wall to wall blackberry bushes. It smelled great, until I had to run back up the little hill. I felt okay running, but looking at my time, I was super slow. Two miles took me 21 minutes! Wow. I ran the whole way, but knew that would be my last time I'd run a full two miles. I scaled back to walking around the same time in my pregnancy with Grace. All the movement just puts way too much pressure on my bladder--and it's hard to run when you feel like you have to pee the whole time--just sayin'!
It felt great to cross the finish line and Grace, who was patiently waiting for me at the end, raced out of her daddy's arms and straight for me right before I reached it. It was really sweet.

Here's my race record so far:
February - out of town during race weekend
March - missed the Foggy Bottoms Run b/c we were in San Diego helping with family
May - Jim Davy Run - 2 miles
June - no time, which is a poor excuse!!
So, my record is 3:3 for 2011...and it will only get worse! I will be walking in anything else I enter from here on out, and I won't be running any races right after I have the baby, probably not until after the new year.
How are you doing with your own personal challenges? I'd love to hear about them!
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